Kia Ora Whanau,
Welcome back to term three! I hope you all had as wonderful a break as I did!
Term 3 promises to be another very busy and important term, with gymnastics underway in the hall (watch this space for pictures and videos) and swimming later in the term. As well as the Art Exhibition in week 3 and the Digi-awards later on, the students are going to be having a lot of fun! We are also keeping a very close eye on the Olympics, ask your child for more information about what we are doing in class!
Next week are the Student/Teacher/Parent conferences, and so far we have a few parents locked in times. If you need help booking a time, see the ladies at the office. I can't stress the importance of these conferences enough, it is a great time for your child to share with you their learning journey so far and what their next steps are, and I am always impressed with how well students are able to articulate their learning, so please book a time. If those days and times don't suit you, please let me know and I am happy to arrange another time for you to come in.
Room 7 have made a very positive start to term three and I am really looking forward to seeing their progress this term.
I hope all you amazing parents are well!
Stuart Pratt
Room 7 Teacher